Looks like not everyone got the text yesterday about this weekend's events. Friday the high school basketball teams will travel to Belleview Christian School in Westminster. The games will start at 5:00 pm . Order of games: 1/2 boys JV, Girls Varsity, Boys Varsity. IMPORTANT: Admission to the Belleview Christian game requires a ticket bought on gofan.co There will be no opportunity to pay cash at the door. Saturday the 27th the junior high basketball teams travel to Woodlin for league tournament. The tournament begins at 10. Coaches will announce game times when it is determined.
7 months ago, Kara Weathers
Another change in the basketball schedule. Peetz no longer is bringing their JV boys, so we are adding the Peetz girls varsity game after our JV game against Yuma C on February 2nd. This is still at home. Tis the season! https://5il.co/2d8vm
7 months ago, Mike Bowers
Tomorrow the junior high basketball teams will host Otis, with games starting at 4:00 pm. Order of the games: Girls A, 1/2 Girls B, Boys A, 1/2 Boys B. Friday the high school basketball teams will travel to Bellview Christian School in Westminster. The games will start at 5:00 pm Order of games: 1/2 boys JV, Girls Varsity, Boys Varsity. IMPORTANT: Admission to the Belleview Christian game requires a ticket bought on gofan.co There will be no opportunity to pay cash at the door. Saturday the 27th the junior high basketball teams travel to Woodlin for league tournament. Coaches will announce game time when it is determined.
7 months ago, Ashlynne Newton
Updated basketball schedule: https://5il.co/2d5n7
7 months ago, Mike Bowers
The spelling bee for 5th-8th grade will be tomorrow, beginning at 1:05 (after second lunch) in the cafeteria. The top three spellers will head to compete at Brush Middle School for the Regional Bee. One alternate is allowed. Regional Bee is on February 7th from 9:00 am to noon or as long as it takes. No written test will be taken at regionals.
7 months ago, Mike Bowers
Reminder Tomorrow night will be Parent's Night at the Basketball games vs. Arickaree. All parents will receive free admission to the game. Recognition of Parents will take place directly after the JH Boys game and before the JV Girls game. Games begin at 3pm. Also, High School Basketball pictures will be taken Wednesday after school. Your athlete should have brought home an order form. Please return them to the school Wednesday with payment.
7 months ago, Kara Weathers
Games will begin at 3p.m on Tuesday the 23rd for Parent's Night.
8 months ago, Kara Weathers
The basketball schedule will be very busy over the next two weeks. Tomorrow the High School teams will be playing Ft. Range Baptist at Home. The JV boys will play three 6-minute quarters starting at 4 followed by the Varsity Girls and Boys. Friday the 19th, all basketball teams will travel to Idalia for games beginning at 3 P.M. The JH Girls A will begin adding a 5th quarter of B, JH Boys A and B will follow the same format. Next, the JV Girls and Boys will play 1/2 game each concluding with the Varsity Girls and Boys. The Lone Star basketball teams will be hosting Arickaree for PARENT'S NIGHT on Tuesday, January 23rd. The format will be JH Girls A, JH Boys A, 1/2 JV Girls, 1/2 JV Boys, Varsity Girls, Varsity Boys. Go Longhorns!!
8 months ago, Kara Weathers
Games are a go for today at Weldon Valley. The bus will leave Lone Star at 1:00. 1 stop in Otis at 1:15 GO LONGHORNS!!
8 months ago, Mike Bowers
We have made the decision to cancel school today due to the excessive cold temperatures. Basketball games at Weldon Valley are still scheduled to be played. We will keep everyone updated as we find out more information.
8 months ago, Mike Bowers
Tomorrow Lone Star basketball will travel to Weldon Valley. The games will begin at 3:30pm. Junior high A games will be followed by high school varsity games. There will be a lasagna meal for purchase at Weldon Valley.
8 months ago, Ashlynne Newton
Lone Star will be on a two hour delay, tomorrow, Tuesday, the 16th. All bus routes will run exactly 2 hours later than their normal pick up times. Please contact your drivers if you have questions.
8 months ago, Mike Bowers
Saturday the 6th the Lone Star Basketball teams will be hosting the Bethune Bobcats starting with JH Girls and boys A teams at 1 PM. Varsity Girls and Boys will follow. No JH B teams or HS JV On Monday, January 8th all Basketball teams will be traveling to Briggsdale. The bus will leave the school at 10:30. Please be at the school at 10:15. Games will start at 1pm with JH Girls B team followed by JH Boys B, Girls A, Boys A, High School Girls JV, Boys JV, Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys.
8 months ago, Kara Weathers
High school boys basketball practice tomorrow 8am to 10 AM
8 months ago, Mike Bowers
A letter from Superintendent Bowers https://5il.co/2bgir
8 months ago, Mike Bowers
During the school year, students have been nominated for students of the month. This is a new initiative created by the local accountability committee to recognize students who go above and beyond. The criteria to be nominated is below: Students are nominated based on STAR values and our graduation competencies. STAR VALUES S- Safety T- Trustworthy A Achievement R- Respect/Responsibility We have been posting our winners on Facebook, but failed to realize that not all of of our stakeholders use that platform. At the end of the school year, the accountability committee will choose an overall winner based off of all student nominations. Here are our winners for this year so far. September - Paisley Smith, Bryn Cook, Shane Thyne October - Ava Ely, Albert Nevarez, Giulia Caporaso November - Victoria Duarte, Rosie Fisher, Renzo Bustamante
9 months ago, Mike Bowers
The High School basketball teams will be in Fleming tomorrow 12/19. Games will start at 4pm with 1/2 JV boys followed by Varsity Girls then Varsity Boys.
9 months ago, Kara Weathers
Lone Star is hosting Hi-Plains today starting at 3 p.m. JH Girls B JH Girls A JH Boys B JH Boys A JV Girls JV Boys Varsity Girls Varsity Boys There will be a frito pie dinner for $8.00
9 months ago, Ashlynne Newton
REMINDER!! Christmas Tea following our concert on Thursday 12/14 Please bring 2 dozen cookies per family Hope to see you there! https://5il.co/29q1o
9 months ago, Erica Duarte
Class 0f 2026 basketball dinner information https://5il.co/2atkg
9 months ago, Mike Bowers