REMINDER: Seniors need to pay their burrito tabs before they can check out today!
8 months ago, Kara Weathers
Results from the district cell phone survey
8 months ago, Mike Bowers
Reminders for tomorrow: National Honor Society lunch and induction ceremony.  Lunch is at 12:15 with the ceremony following at 12:50.  Senior Capstone presentations will begin at 1:15 tomorrow in the gym. All parents are welcome to attend.
8 months ago, Mike Bowers
The bus is leaving Holyoke in 15 minutes. Please me at the school to pick up your athletes by 4pm.
8 months ago, Kara Weathers
Phone lines are back up and running. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
9 months ago, Lindsey Scheopner
The bus will leave for the HS trackmeet in Holyoke tomorrow morning at 730. Please have everything you need for a long warm day. Gooo Longhorns!
9 months ago, Kara Weathers
The internet is currently down at the school which also means our phones are down. Hopefully we are back up and running soon!
9 months ago, Mike Bowers
There will be JH pole vault practice tomorrow at 11.
9 months ago, Kara Weathers
Unfortunately, we have made the decision to cancel the theater play scheduled for May 2nd @ 6:30. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Please contact Mrs. Harris or Mr. Bowers if you have questions.
9 months ago, Mike Bowers
There will be no HS track practice today.
9 months ago, Kara Weathers
The Tom Meyer track meet on Saturday, April 27th has been canceled due to projected weather conditions. They are hoping to reschedule it if they can find officials. We'll get details out as soon as they are available. Currently, the next HS track meet is in Holyoke on May 1st.
9 months ago, Kara Weathers
Did you know that the class of 2024 will be the 100th graduating class from Lone Star School District. attached are two letters written by former alumni regarding our wonderful school. If you have anything you would like to share please email Mike Bowers at
9 months ago, Mike Bowers
Attached is a link for the 24-25 approved district calendar:
9 months ago, Mike Bowers
Reminder: Juniors will be taking the SAT tomorrow along with all 9th/10th graders who missed last week's PSAT. We will begin first thing in the morning. Please have your Chromebooks charged.
9 months ago, Mike Bowers
There will still be HS Pole Vault practice tomorrow at Lone Star at 11pm. No normal track practice because coaches will be with the JH kids in Wiggins. The bus for the JH track meet in Wiggins will leave Lone Star at 7am. Please be at the school with all of your belongings by 645. There will be one pick-up in Otis at 7:15. Gooo Longhorns!
9 months ago, Kara Weathers
Lone Star Prom will be ending at 10:30. If you are picking up your student you can stay in your vehicle, and we will send them down. If they are driving, we will send them on their way. Juniors will stay to help clean.
9 months ago, Kim Smith
The prom is still scheduled for tonight at the Hays Student Center Ballroom on the NJC campus. Pictures start at 6:30 p.m. and the Grand March will start at 7:15 p.m. (Parents welcome) The dance will end at 10:30 p.m.
9 months ago, Kim Smith
Reminder: Prom is tomorrow night. There will NOT be an after prom this year. Tuesday - All juniors will be taking the SAT on Tuesday and students in 9th/10th who missed the PSAT test today will be doing their makeup assessment on Tuesday as well.
9 months ago, Mike Bowers
If you are interested in Mrs. Newton's youth summer camp please complete the following survey.
9 months ago, Mike Bowers
There will be no HS track practice tonight, April 19th.
9 months ago, Kara Weathers