Today: No youth camp - Happy Independence Day!
There are still two slots open for the rock climbing trip Friday the 7th. Contact Ashlynne Newton for more info.
Wednesday: High school volleyball open gym 4-6pm
Thursday: Junior high girls basketball open gym 3-5pm.
Youth camp 5-7pm - Track and Field with Lori Atkin!
High school volleyball scrimmage in Wray, 5pm.
Friday: Youth Rock climbing trip. The van leaves Yuma at 7:20am, Otis at 7:35am. Pack a lunch.
July 3: Combine JH/HS boys basketball open gym 8am-10am. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Bitterman.
Reminder: HS boys summer league at NJC tomorrow. Boys leave the school at 5 and please be their at 4:50. Games are at 6 and 7 pm
This week:
TODAY 26th - JH girls league vball and bball leave school @ 2:15 for game @ 3:15. HS girls bball leave school @ 5:30 for game at 6:30.
TUES 27th - Get Buckets Camp @ Lone Star. 7th-12th grade from 8-10am, 2nd-6th grade 10-noon. Time slots are the same for following days. $25 per camper-can register the first day at the school. Any questions call Nolan Bitterman @
HS girls vball open gym 3-5pm.
HS boys bball league tbd.
Youth Camp 5-7pm.
WED 28th - Get Buckets Camp.
HS Vball league leave school @ 1pm for game at 2pm.
THURS 29th - Get Buckets Camp.
HS girls bball open gym canceled.
Youth Camp 5-7pm.
This is the last week for all NJC Leagues.
Combine JH/HS boys basketball open gym 8am-10am tomorrow. This is how it will go the rest of the summer.
Reminder: Next week June 27-29 Get Buckets Camp 8 am-10 am 7th-12th grade, 10am-12(noon) 2nd-6th grade. If you haven't registered yet, don't worry because you can do that on the first day of camp.
Due to incoming, severve thunderstorms in the Lone Star area, youth athletic camp will be canceled tonight.
We will resume again on Tuesday. Thank you.
Open gym tomorrow HS Boys Basketball 8am-10 am
JH boys basketball 10am-12(noon)
HS boys basketball summer league @ NJC
Bus leaves school at 5 pm. Games at 6 pm and 8 pm.
HS volleyball van will be leaving Lone Star at 3 tomorrow. We play at 4, ref the next game and then play again. We will need new waivers signed also.
Youth Athletic Camp- The weather will keep us indoors today, so bring gym shoes! A snack will be provided.
June 12
JH Boys Basketball open gym tomorrow 10-12(noon).
HS Boys Basketball open gym tomorrow 8-10 am
June 13
No Summer league games at NJC for high school boys.
Junior High girls basketball leave the school tomorrow at 2:15pm to play at 3:30pm in the Aux gym @ NJC. They will then be shuttled to volleyball.
High school girls basketball will leave the school at 7:15pm to play at 8:30pm in the main gym @ NJC.
Youth Athletic Camp starts this Tuesday the 13th, from 5-7pm, and will continue every Tuesday and Thursday. The van from Yuma will meet at the Dollar Tree/Family Dollar parking lot, and will leave at 4:20pm each day, and arrive back to Yuma at approximately 7:30pm.
High school volleyball players will leave Lone Star at 1 tomorrow for their games at 2 and 4.
Summer Volleyball and Basketball Scheduling:
JH volleyball and basketball will always be played on the same day which will be on Mondays. The times will vary from week to week with a van leaving LS at 2:30 every Monday. Once the JH finish their basketball game at NJC, we will take the kids from NJC to Sterling High School to play their volleyball game.
High School volleyball will be on Wednesdays and a schedule will be given to athletes. For tomorrow's games we will be playing at 2:00 and 4:00 @ NJC.
High School Boys basketball - Tuesday nights
Tonight's games are at 5:00 and 7:00. Mr. Bitterman will be communicating directly with his team game times for the remainder of the summer league.
High School Girls Basketball - Monday nights
HS games will be played at 5:30. There may be games played at 4:30, but that is generally saved for JV games. Coaches will communicate any changes in schedule.
Reminder: Open gym tomorrow 6/5/23
JH/HS boys basketball.
High School 8am-10 am
Junior High 10am-12(noon)
6/6 Tuesday High School boys Summer League at NJC. Be at the school by 3:50. Bus leaves at 4 pm.
Games start at 5 pm and 7pm in Aux gym.
NJC Girls Summer League:
Anyone riding from the school tomorrow, the van will leave at 3:35 pm. If you plan to meet at NJC, please be there by 4:15 pm. They will be in the Auxillary gym, court #2.
Attached is the waiver for JH and HS girls NJC Summer League. Please return to Coach Lowe filled out and signed.
Tomorrow's JH & HS Basketball Refresher Camp is for GIRLS ONLY.
HS & JH Basketball:
Refresher Camp tomorrow, May 31st. JH is from 3-5 pm. HS is from 5-7 pm.
Refresher Camp will be Friday, June 2nd from 5-7 pm.