Lone Star will be on a two hour delay tomorrow. All bus routes will run storm routes. Breakfast will not be served. School will begin at 10:00 am.
The track meet in Wiggins scheduled for Monday has been canceled due to the forecasted weather. Practice tomorrow is also cancelled.
The HS track meet for Saturday in Yuma has been canceled.
Friday: FFA Oyster Fry & Member Sale- Seating starts at 5:00 pm.
Saturday: HS Track @ Yuma- field events start at 8:30 am.
Bus will leave school by 7 am.
Monday: HS Track @ Wiggins- field events start at 8:30 am.
Bus will leave at 6 am with one stop in Otis.
All bus routes will be back to normal starting tomorrow!
REMINDER: We have track practice tomorrow from 10-12 with vault for ALL vaulters at 11. Thank you!
REMINDER: HS track practice this week will be from 10-12 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Vaulters will work with Jack all 3 days at 11 and JH are welcome and encouraged to join in the vault practices.
High school track practices will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week from 10 to 12. Pole vault practice from 11 to 12.
Junior high vaulters are welcome to attend.
Attached is the approved 23-24 calendar:
Attached below is information about the FFA Oyster Fry, Member Sale on March 24.
Are you interested in nominating a Lone Star employee for the Dorothy Klinzmann Employee of the year award? Just click the link below!
2023 Junior High and High School track schedule is attached
We will have school on Monday March 6th,
No school on Friday March 10th
Attached is the district OPT OUT letter for 2023 state assessments. If you have any questions regarding state assessments and your rights as a parent to opt your student(s) out please don't hesitate to contact us.
Tomorrow: FFA Final State Degree Review.
HS Track practice starts.
Thursday: Parent/Teacher conferences 4-7 pm.
Monday: MONDAY SCHOOL!!!!!
We will be running storm routes tomorrow for both morning and afternoon routes.
REMINDER: High school track practice will begin Wednesday!
We will be running storm routes tomorrow for both morning and afternoon routes.
Due to District Basketball, tomorrow's Adutling Day has been postponed. The Boys Basketball team will play Otis in Brush at 11:30. There wil be an 8:00 pep rally at the school in the gym. The team bus will leave at 9:00. At 10:00, the Spirit Bus will leave. Students riding the spirit bus need to bring money for entry and lunch. The Spirit bus will return by 3:00.
Lone Star will be on a two-hour delayed start tomorrow. All bus routes will be storm routes and will run two hours later than the normal time. Breakfast will not be served tomorrow, and classes will begin at 10:00 am.