The Lone Star Homecoming Week is next week, Sept 17-20th.
Dress Up Days are as follows:
Tuesday: Pajama Day
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday (crazy hair, mismatched shoes, layered shirts, etc.)
Thursday: Rhyme without Reason ("Twin" with a partner, but your outfits have to rhyme. Example: Elmo and Tennis Pro)
Friday: Sprit Day (Blue and Gold), or wear neon
The homecoming dance will be Friday, September 20th from 8pm-11pm. This is for 7th through 12th grades. Students with an out-of-school date must sign them up in the office with Mrs. Harris by Wednesday, September 18th.
Bus is leaving Otis. Please be at Lone Star to pick up your athlete. Thank you!
The Football/ Volleyball bus is 30 minutes away from Otis. Please be there to pick up your athlete.
The Senior class will be selling burritos at Activity Period on Fridays starting tomorrow for $4 and Sunny D's for $1 .
Information for games tomorrow:
There are ONLY JH volleyball and football games!
Games begin @ 4:00 in Weldon Valley
Game order: Volleyball - JH B followed by JH A
They have a lot of construction going on so please follow their signage for parking.
For those FFA members who are traveling to YMCA this weekend, please bring your food item and 2 signed papers tomorrow morning.
Due to the football game on Thursday afternoon, Mr. Bitterman will not be able to run his afternoon route. Please make arrangements for your child(ren) to be picked up.
Change of school schedule for parents to add to their calendars.
On Friday, September 20th, many of our Lone Star teachers will be travelling to NJC for a professional development opportunity. With that being said, the district has decided that there will be no school for ALL K-6th grade students on September 20th. 7th-12th grade students will report to school on the 20th and we will have an Adulting Day. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we allow our staff to engage in their own professional learning. If you have any questions please feel free to contact district administration any time.
Attached is a revised volleyball and football schedule:
Reminder: High School Volleyball tomorrow at Lone Star against Potter-Dix, starting with JV at 5:00 p.m. with Varsity to follow.
Friday, September 6 games against Bethune Start at 4:00 p.m. Order of games:
JH A along with JH FB
1 SET to 25 for JV
Volleyball and football bus is now leaving Otis. Please be at Lone Star to pick up your athlete. Thank you
Good morning. Friendly reminder for todays game against Otis. Bus leaves from Lone Star at 3:00, games start at 4:00 in Otis.
Reminder! There is a live presentation about keeping your kids safe online at Lone Star tonight @ 5:30. It is very informative and you won't want to miss it!
Lone star community,
We are looking for volunteers to judge volleyball lines and run scoreboard/ clock for our home games. If you are interested, please reach out to Peggy @ fisherp@lonestar.k12.co.us. If you are willing to help, the school will allow you to come to all home games for free this season.
Athletics schedule change:
The Otis volleyball and football games that were scheduled to be at Lone Star on Tuesday, September 3rd , have been moved to Otis.
HS volleyball team has left Caliche. We will be at Lone Star in 1 hour. Please be at Lone Star to pick up your athletes. Thank You
Good morning. High School Volleyball bus will be departing from Lone Star at 2:10p.m. JV-C will start at 4:00p.m. followed by JV and Varsity games. Hope to see you in Caliche.
High School Volleyball tomorrow at Caliche. JV-C will be starting at 4:00 with JV and Varsity games to follow.
The link below will provide information about a presentation that is coming to Lone Star on Thursday, the 29th. Adults from all surrounding communities are welcome to attend. We have two of the best presenting in Detective Cantrell and Rachelle Maker FNP- PMHNP. This is a presentation for adults only.
All bus routes will be running as normal this afternoon. If you have any questions, please contact the school.