5 months ago, Julie Green
Don't Forget! This Friday is our Annual FFA Member Sale. We Can't Wait to See You!
5 months ago, Julie Green
FFA Member Sale
Good afternoon Lone Star family. We are trying to gather information from all of our stakeholders regarding the usage of cell phones in a school setting. Please click the link of the survey that best fits your demographic. Community Survey https://forms.gle/NHiFiFPYjn3UJw976 student survey https://forms.gle/b6YXne74tyNAJQtG7 staff survey https://forms.gle/r943XZSH9GudtStE6
6 months ago, Mike Bowers
We will be honoring all the JH and HS basketball athletes this Thursday, March 21st at 6pm. A potluck dinner will be included. Please bring a dish to share.... Seniors, Juniors, & 7th grade - Main Dish Sophomores & 5th grade - Side Dish Freshmen, 8th, & 6th grade - Dessert We look forward to seeing you all there!
6 months ago, Kara Weathers
HS TRACK: Practice tomorrow from 10-12. This practice is optional but please keep in mind we have a meet this Saturday the 23rd. HS POLE VAULT: Practice from 11-12 JH POLE VAULT: Practice at 1045, but please arrive by 1030 to warm up and get the pit uncovered.
6 months ago, Kara Weathers
There is no junior high track practice today.
6 months ago, Kara Weathers
The High School Pole Vaulters will practice with Jack and Ely on Tuesday, March 12th at 11 am. The rest of the track team has an optional practice from 10-12 also on Tuesday. Other practices over Spring Break will be dependent on the weather and will be communicated as needed. Be sure to join and check the Remind App often as that is how coaches are communicating
6 months ago, Kara Weathers
We will be recognizing all of our JH and HS basketball athletes at the Winter Sports Banquet/Potluck on Thursday, March 21st. More information will follow after Spring Break. Please save the date.
6 months ago, Kara Weathers
With the projected storm we have decided to cancel school today. Have a great spring break!
6 months ago, Mike Bowers
Reminder. Let's try to keep conferences between 5-7 minutes a piece. Some of our parents spent enough time in the hallway during their time in school. 😁
6 months ago, Mike Bowers
For Parent Teacher Conferences Tonight: Unfortunetly, we have two teachers that are home sick. Mrs. Muller and Mrs. Prelle will not be available tonight.
6 months ago, Julie Green
Reminder! Parent/Teacher conferences are tonight from 4;00- 7:00. We would like to ask that you be courteous of other parents time and keep conferences to a maximum of 5-7 minutes. This allows all parents to make sure they can speak with all of our teachers so we can brag about how wonderful they are. If you would like more time with a specific teacher we are always more than happy to set up another time to have ongoing conversations. Thank you.
6 months ago, Mike Bowers
For Parent Teacher Conferences Tomorrow: Mrs. Biesemeier will be availble from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. if you need to talk with her.
6 months ago, Julie Green
Reminder: Tuesday, March 5th is Parent Teacher Conferences from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Samber will be available from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
6 months ago, Julie Green
Reminder! School will be in session on Monday, March 4th. There will be no school on Friday, March 8th as that is the beginning of our spring break.
6 months ago, Mike Bowers
Reminder our girls basketball team will play Dove Creek at 4:00 today. The only way to watch the game will be on NFHS and you will need to pay for a subscription. Go Longhorns
6 months ago, Mike Bowers
Good morning! Attached is the our district opt out letter for the 2024 state assessment. We believe that it is the parents right to choose if they would like their students to take the assessment or not. If you choose to opt our your student please send back the attached document to the school. Mrs. Harris will also be available with opt out sheets during parent teacher conferences which will be held on March 5th from 4:00 - 700. Reminder the CMAS assessment is only for grades 3rd-8th grade students and Juniors for a science assessment. if you have any questions about your rights with state assessments or other inquiries please contact Superintendent Bowers and he'd be glad to speak with you. https://5il.co/2fqoz
6 months ago, Mike Bowers
The Lone Star Lady Longhorns will be traveling to Dove Creek for their Regional game on Friday, Feb 1st. They will play at 4PM. When they win they will play again at 10am Saturday, March 2nd against the winner of Arickaree and Cheyenne Wells. The games will not be live-streamed on Stormy Sports because Dove Creek is an NFHS school. Go Lady Longhorns!
6 months ago, Kara Weathers
HS Track Reminder: No practice tomorrow, Monday the 26th. We will try for Tuesday, weather and gym availability permitting.
6 months ago, Ashlynne Newton
Good evening Longhorn fans, for tomorrow's spirit bus we will be taking quite a few students, which is awesome. Just a reminder that the cost to enter the game for students is $5. We will be checking to see if students have that money prior to getting on the bus. If not, they will need to stay at the school. For lunch, concessions will be available or your child can bring a lunch. We are excited to cheer on our boys. At the game, the expectation is for students to be in the gym watching. If they are caught in hallways, common's area, or elsewhere they will spend the rest of their time sitting with the class sponsor and will not be permitted to attend future events. Go Longhorns!
6 months ago, Ashlynne Newton